Shahar Livne
Sunday 29 October
12:30h - 13:00h
Register for the LAB
Shahar Livne - The Plastisphere

The Plastisphere

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive accumulation of ocean debris, is transforming into plastic "continents." Surprisingly, it hosts a diverse community of microbial life. Over a thousand species have been found on a single piece of microplastic. Shahar's work invites you to explore this unique ecosystem, prompting reflection on the interplay between human waste and nature's resilience.

Experience the Plastisphere and challenge the way we perceive plastic pollution. Join us in this artistic journey where the boundaries between art and science blur, revealing the unexpected beauty and adaptability of life in the most unlikely places.

Shahar Livne

Shahar Livne is an award-winning conceptual material designer based in The Netherlands. Livne's lifelong fascinations in nature, biology, science, and philosophy developed into an intuitive material experimentation way of work during her degree studies at the Design Academy Eindhoven. Shahar's body of work focuses on conceptual material research in a multi-leveled methodology, bringing to life unique stories through objects and installations centered around materials as carriers of narratives. In her past works, she investigated the flows and ecosystems of the great Pacific plastic patch, delved into human and the material and psychological relationships with animals for consumption and its waste streams, imagined the future of plastics as part of the geological process of the earth, and much more.

Central Library The Hague
The Grey Space in the Middle This event is part of Wasteland’s LAB: Streams, a two-day program focused on waste and water. To participate, please fill in the registration form before October 16th.