Forêt Atelier
Saturday 28 October
14:00h – 17:00h
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Forêt Atelier – A weed is but an unloved flower

How to reconcile with the ecological results of bringing plants from different continents?

Quite a few plants brought into Europe’s mainland for esthetic botanical uses, are native to Asia or North America. Think Japanese Knotweed, Canadian Goldenrod or American Prunus. These plants have found an excellent home in our local landscape, with the power to break asphalt, degrade the housing prices or take over our native plants. Some even have their own website to report, so municipalities can fight them. However, these plants are here to stay, which makes it our goal to live with these species in peace.

Join us for a foraging workshop, where we’ll separate the weeds from the streets and put them to good use. We learn health properties by creating a probiotic wild soda, and two ways of ecoprinting. By plant hammering we make the perfect leaf shaped print and the technique to create natural ink can be used at home with household leftovers as well.

Forêt Atelier

Forêt Atelier is specialized in worldly foraged, perfumed ingredients, transformed into wild fermentations, high-end drinks and natural care products, which communicate terroir. By means of cultivating kinship between human and flora through reciprocal care and dedicated rites of application, we research the road to reconciliation and resilience.

The Grey Space in the Middle